6 Exercises to Strengthen Your Eye Muscles

6 Exercises To Strengthen Your Eye Muscles

We live in an era where we constantly stare at text and images on computer screens, televisions, and mobile phones, which causes eye strain and develops age-related eye disorders. As a result, your eyes require regular exercise like the rest of your body. Eye exercises should help you focus, relax your eyes, and stimulate your brain’s vision center. Here are some eye exercises to help strengthen eye muscles.

Blinking exercise

Blinking is an excellent form of eye exercise for reducing eye strain. Blinking becomes a lost practice when working with digitized media and shorter attention spans. The blinking exercise acts as a rest for your eyes, allowing them to stay fresh and focused for lengthier periods. Blink your eyes quickly for 5 seconds. Repeat every 20 minutes to help the eye regain its natural hydration. Blinking exercises help to alleviate symptoms of digital eye strain, dry eyes, and poor blinking habits.

Focus shifting exercise

It is yet another simple exercise that can aid in strengthening the weakened eye muscles. To begin, focus for about 5 seconds on a nearby object. Then move on to a distant object and concentrate on it for 5 seconds. This sporadic shifting strengthens and refreshes the eye muscles. Focusing on a single item strengthens the eye muscles and improves concentration. If you remember to change your focus and move your eyes to encourage relaxation, this is one of the natural ways to enhance the strength of your eye muscles.

Flexibility exercise

It is an excellent exercise for improving eye muscle flexibility. It is simple to carry out. Imagine an enormous figure 8 tilted on its side 10 feet away from you as you stare at a blank wall. Now, without moving your head, trace the path of an infinity loop with your eyes. Do this for a minute one way, then the opposite way for a minute.

Palming exercise

This exercise will help you relax your eyes and relieve stress. It is a brief break where you cover your eyes with the cup of your palm and fingers resting above the brow. Do not apply too much pressure when placing your hands on your eyes. Do this exercise for 30 seconds, then take a break for 5 seconds and repeat the exercise. This exercise will allow you to rest your eyes and mind while relieving stress from your daily work routine.

Eye rolling exercise

You must be able to sit comfortably. It’s a two-minute exercise. First, roll your eyes clockwise while keeping your eyes open, then anti-clockwise. Slowly stretch your eyes as far as they will allow. This exercise will help you relax your eyes. You will be able to focus much better after doing this exercise for about 2-3 minutes.

Zooming exercise

Zooming is an excellent eye exercise for improving focus and strengthening eye muscles. Sit comfortably and extend your arm while raising your thumb in the hitchhiker’s position. Concentrate on the thumb and draw it in until it is three inches away from the face. Maintain your focus on the thumb. Then, gradually return the thumb and forearm to the starting position. Repeat this exercise several times in 2 minutes.