4 dos and don’t to maintain a healthy body

4 dos and don’ts to maintain a healthy body
Eating healthy is something that a lot of people struggle with regularly. Convenience foods are readily available all around us at supermarkets and grocery stores. You tend to buy these foods and consume them because of ease. By managing your diet, you can ensure that your body is in prime condition to undertake everyday tasks. Here are four dos and don’ts that you should follow.
Avoid processed food
Most processed foods contain a high amount of salt and sugar. This salt and sugar content can lead to detrimental effects on the body. Processed foods are also high in calories and don’t provide the nutrients the body requires to function normally. Furthermore, the absence of fiber in processed foods can cause your digestive system to function abnormally. The body needs a good amount of fiber daily to operate smoothly. Due to artificial ingredients and flavors, processed foods can cause a spike in your cholesterol levels, leading to problems with the heart. The risk of diseases like cancer also increases due to the usage of preservatives like sodium nitrate.
Avoid foods high in glycemic index
The glycemic index, or GI, measures how quickly food breaks down in your body. The higher the GI, the faster that food will cause a spike in blood sugar, which causes harm to various organs in the body. Most people who follow a low-GI diet eat more whole grains, vegetables, and fruit than processed foods. To follow a low-glycemic diet, read labels clearly and understand what the food you’re buying contains. Remember that some foods are higher in calories and fat than others. Therefore, reading the ingredients is vital to keeping a low-glycemic diet. A lot of foods commonly consumed every day are high on the glycemic index. Consume foods like rice, potatoes, white bread, pasta made from wheat flour, etc in moderation.
Eat more vegetables
Eating vegetables is super beneficial to your body in multiple ways. They are a good source of vitamins and minerals. They contain vitamins A, C, and K and nutrients like iron and calcium that help strengthen the circulatory system and your bones. Additionally, vegetables contain fiber which is vital to maintain the health of your digestive system. a fiber-rich diet ensures that you overcome gut and stomach issues like acidity and bloating. Besides, vegetables contain antioxidants that help prevent cell damage due to molecules called free radicals.
Drink more water
The best way to stay healthy is to make sure that you hydrate yourself regularly throughout the day. Water in the body helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, checks diabetes, and also helps you feel less hungry. Your body requires a minimum of 2 liters of water every day for basic metabolism and functions. Water is also essential to the smooth functioning of your kidneys which are responsible for filtering out toxins from your blood. Poor functioning of the kidneys leads to a build-up of toxins in the blood leading to hypertension.