3 Top Car Tech Trends And Their Benefits
With a shift toward electric, autonomous, and smart vehicles, connected technology, and more, the automobiles industry has been affected by the rapid changes in technology and innovation. These trends have been stimulated by the need for more dependable, efficient, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective transportation. Here are a few trends that are poised to transform the automotive industry.
Augmented Reality
Although augmented reality (AR) has gained popularity in the gaming industry, there are a growing number of applications in a wide range of industries. Some automakers are working to incorporate augmented reality into their vehicles. AR programs, when thoroughly developed, could handle everything from terrain mapping to road safety to parking assistance.
Car companies use Augmented Reality to allow potential customers to drive a car without sitting in one. That means users do not need to visit a showroom or get on the road to test drive a vehicle but can do so from the comfort of their own home, using only a smartphone camera and an Android app.
Manufacturers can use AR technology to modify or assess parts during the initial stages, saving time and money during the launch phase. The automakers will have a clear picture of how the vehicle will operate once it is on the road.
Most car buyers do their research online before purchasing, so businesses can use augmented reality to present them with all the variants they want to see. As a result, car dealerships are no longer required to show all their vehicles in their showrooms, potentially wasting space, time, and money.
Wireless Connectivity
The more intelligent the vehicles become, the more information they will require to navigate the world safely. Wireless technology will most likely be supported by the expanding 5G infrastructure, which will aid in transportation safety. Even if the drivers or passengers aren’t talking, two smart cars on the highway can exchange information about weather patterns, road conditions, traffic movements, and more in the blink of an eye.
Wireless connectivity provides on-the-go access to a diverse range of entertainment services. It also presents advanced navigation systems via third-party apps.
It tends to add enhanced security features to reduce the probability of an accident.
Modern connected vehicles can create wi-fi hotspots, allowing those in and around the car to connect to the internet via 4G.
Vehicle Tracking System
A vehicle tracking system integrates the use of automatic vehicle location in individual cars with software that collects fleet data to provide a complete picture of vehicle locations. GPS technology is commonly used in modern vehicle tracking systems to locate the vehicle.
Vehicle tracking devices will assist you in monitoring driver behavior and identifying opportunities to improve vehicle performance. When you have real-time data and precise records of driver and vehicular activity, you can make better decisions.
Vehicle tracking systems can aid in the reduction of operating costs by choosing to focus on those who speed and waste fuel. Not alone will the preservation bill and prices be reduced, but so will the insurance premium value.
Improved security features will allow tracking your vehicle even when you are not driving it.